The RAEDI Foundation is organized and shall be operated exclusively to engage in, advance, support, promote, and administer charitable activities, causes, and projects.
RAEDI Foundation

The RAEDI Foundation is organized and shall be operated exclusively for charitable purposes, all as contemplated and permitted by Sections 170(c) (2) and 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Within the framework and limitations of the foregoing, the RAEDI Foundation is organized and shall be operated exclusively to engage in, advance, support, promote, and administer charitable activities, causes, and projects of every kind and nature whatsoever in its own behalf or as the agent, trustee, or representative of others and, but only if and to the extent consistent with the foregoing purposes, to aid, assist, and contribute to the support of corporations, associations, trusts, foundations, and institutions that are organized and operated exclusively for one or more purposes describes in Sections 170(c) (2) and 501 (c) (3) of the Inter Revenue Code, and are exempt from federal income taxes under Section 501 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code as organization described in Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The RAEDI Foundation shall particularly support activities related to economic growth and economic development, among other related services.
RAEDI Foundation Board of Directors
Jarett Jones, RAEDI Chair, Merchants Bank
Dianna Robinson, RAEDI Vice Chair, Associated Bank
Erin Sexton, RAEDI Secretary/Treasurer, Mayo Clinic
Melissa Brinkman, RAEDI Past Chair, Custom Alarm
John Wade, RAEDI President